25 Hottest topics
A former litigator and marketing partner, Ross speaks credibly to legal, accounting, and professional services audiences, both in person and online.
Ross is renowned for his practical, hands-on approach, ensuring that your firm’s marketing is productive and effective, and that your lawyers and professionals will have clients when they need them. Most of Ross’s live presentations and webinars can be structured to qualify for CLE Ethics credits.
All presentations are carefully tailored to each firm’s unique needs, and may include one-on-one or small-group follow-up, if desired.
Today’s 25 Hottest Topics
- 20 Top Legal Marketing Tips During COVID and Beyond: Learn 20+ powerful tips that lawyers can begin using immediately whether working from home or the office during the pandemic. This “Brilliant” program is earning 5-star reviews worldwide and has qualified for Ethics CLE credit in 15+ states. 2021's most popular program.
- Niche / Industry Marketing: An efficient, effective, and practical process, used by thousands of grateful and successful new rainmakers worldwide. A guaranteed winner, this presentation is often called "the best marketing program I've ever seen" by professionals at all levels, from junior associates to managing partners.
- Telling Your Story Online: They've heard good things about you so they searched for you on Google. Here are simple, practical tools you can use to craft your most impressive story, precisely when they're considering whether to hire you.
- 50 Marketing Ideas in 50 Minutes: Looking for a program offering actionable tips and useful advice? How about 50 of them? This fun, fast-paced hour of non-stop practical tips is guaranteed to provide every attendee with literally dozens of eye-opening new takeaways.
- LinkedIn for Lawyers: Every lawyer needs to understand how to use LinkedIn effectively. This fun and practical program covers the basics that all lawyers need to know to get started or enhance their profiles.
- Writing a Powerful LinkedIn Profile: They're visiting your profile to decide whether to hire you! Here’s how to tell them your most persuasive story.
- How to be a LinkedIn Power User: You've learned the basics, now it's time to really ratchet up your efforts, using LinkedIn to build your personal brand, grow your network, and effortlessly stay connected with more clients and prospects.
- Associate Marketing Training: Your associates are the firm's future. This critical program will teach them how to build an effective long-term marketing and business development platform. Includes Ross’s best-selling “Ultimate Associate Marketing Checklist” book (COVID update, see https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Associates-Working-Marketing-Checklist/dp/B088BH5HDB ).
- Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Law: AI is already revolutionizing the practice and its pace is accelerating faster than even the experts could have imagined. This fascinating program will predict the future and help you prepare. See youtube.com/watch?v=u4S6u1Zn9mg
- Marketing and business development best practices: The legal market has changed. Here’s how to adapt your tools to take advantage of the new environment.
- Go From “Zero” to “Guru” in Three Months: Feeling like your marketing isn't gaining traction fast enough? Here's an efficient plan to identifying and dominating a target market quickly and efficiently.
- Legal Marketing and Business Development: Three Tips About Everything. Together we'll pick a dozen marketing and BD topics and Ross will provide his top 3 most valuable tips in each area, both Do's and Don'ts. Lawyers love this one.
- Social Media for Lawyers: There are so many available tools. Do lawyers need to Tweet? Should they use Facebook or Instagram? How LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and other online tools fit together.
- Substance Abuse and the Legal Profession: Did you know 21% of lawyers have a drinking problem? And 32% of associates? That's ONE THIRD. This important presentation educates, informs, and shows how to get your people the help they need. Qualifies for Mental Health and Substance Abuse CLE credits.

- 50 Networking Tips for Lawyers: 50 practical tips in 50 minutes.
- Networking and Working a Room: With live, hands-on practice.
Associate Training
- Step-by-Step Marketing for Associates: (See “The Ultimate Law Firm Associate’s Marketing Checklist” book at https://goo.gl/rxWSfH.
- A Year-by-Year Marketing Program for Associates: (See “The Ultimate Law Firm Associate’s Marketing Checklist”).
- Painfully Practical Associate Training: A simple, effective approach to turn associates into rainmakers.
- Associate Marketing Plans: Drafting a practical, effective individual marketing plan.
Strategy, Differentiation and Branding
- Developing a Killer Strategy: “We’re Different! So Why Doesn’t Anyone Know It?” See Ross’s popular Strategy and Branding book at https://goo.gl/Vwf8Wn.
- Jumping on the Differentiation Brandwagon: Positively positioning Your Firm, Practice, or Office. See Ross’s book, “We’re Smart. We’re Old. And We’re the Best at Everything” at https://goo.gl/Vwf8Wn.
Cross Selling
- Secrets of Successful Cross-Selling: Cross-marketing isn’t easy, but it works.
- Key-Client Program: Retaining and growing your top clients.

Public Relations
- 50 Top Public Relations Tips: Using PR to build your practice.
- PR for Personal Injury Firms: PR is PI firms’ most-powerful tool.
- PR for Litigators: How trial lawyers can use public relations to dominate a practice or market.
Powerful Panels
- Dynamic, Interactive Panel Discussions: This is Not Your Typical Legal Seminar.
- #MeToo and sexual harassment issues
- Client roundtables, hear directly from the clients’ mouths.
- How to handle a crisis.
Creativity and Innovation
- Selling Ideas and Innovation to Lawyers: The secret roadmap to getting lawyers to say “Yes!”.
- Outside-the-Box Marketing Ideas: Discuss ideas you can implement to move boldly ahead
- Developing your Personal Brand: Using the top social media and marketing tools to identify and dominate a market.
Marketing Plans
- Developing an Effective Individual Marketing Plan.
Client Service and Retention
- 25 Top Client Service Tips: Using service differentiators to improve your relationships.
- Using Client Retention to Increase Profits.
- Disney’s Secret to Customer Service: How law firms can use the same powerful techniques.
Marketing Specific Types of Firms
- An International Law Firm Network.
- An Insurance Practice.
- A Divorce Practice.
- A Litigation Practice.
Specialty Programs
- Using Marketing to Enhance your Recruiting.
- “The Art of War” for Lawyers: Outsmart your top competitors with 1,000-year-old battle techniques
- How to Organize an Effective Firm Retreat.