“My email was flooded with wonderful comments saying you were our best speaker ever. You are fabulous!!! ”
~DeeAnn McLaughlin, ALA Leadership Lunch
Ross’s engaging presentations are both educational and entertaining. His law firm retreat, CLE, and marketing programs are practical, fast-paced, and academically rigorous — carefully constructed to match how lawyers learn most effectively.
Always on the leading edge of marketing and the legal profession, Ross speaks credibly on dozens of today’s hottest topics.
AWESOME Testimonials

Ross has trained over 10,000 lawyers in leading-edge marketing and business-development techniques, helping them generate countless millions of dollars in new revenue. One of the nation’s most-popular Ethics and CLE speakers, he’s never understood how so many speakers make these fascinating topics seem so… boring. He believes that people learn better when they’re entertained, so his programs are fun, fast-paced, and use strong visuals that grab, and keep, an audience’s rapt attention.
Fishman Marketing specializes in strategy, branding, and websites for law and professional-services firms. A former litigator marketing director and marketing partner he has helped over 200 law firms dominate their chosen markets.
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